Feanedock Woodlands is an inspirational story of transformation and a prime example of the environmental, societal and economic benefits that trees can bring.
19 Apr 2024
Feanedock Woodlands is an inspirational story of transformation and a prime example of the environmental, societal and economic benefits that trees can bring.
19 Apr 2024
The planting of trees on this site started in 2009 and we have created a variety of landscape features from wide rides, wildflower meadows to new biodiverse woodlands and parkland habitats, as well as creating a healthier, environmentally linked space that allows people to connect with nature in an easy and accessible way.
Today, with the help of passionate landowners, communities and partners, we have transformed the landscape taking forest cover from 6% to 22%.
With the urgency of the climate crisis, this visionary approach to plant trees and create a multi-purpose forest near to where people live and work is more important than ever, and we’re showing that it is possible. Trees are transformational, bringing many benefits for people, nature, and our economy.
We need more landowners to come forward and help grow a greener future, so if you own a farm or land in the National Forest, our grants can help you to create and manage woodlands, maintain habitats such as meadows, wetlands, ponds, parkland and hedges, and diversify your land and business into the future. We can offer free and impartial advice on large and small sites, application is straightforward and up to 100% of costs can be covered. To find out more about our grants and if you’re eligible you can email grants@nationalforest.org.
So far, we have planted 9 million trees in the National Forest. If you want to part of growing a greener future but don’t own land, you can still support this work by making a donation or helping us create more woodlands by dedicating a tree.
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