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Broombriggs Farm is a mosaic of small fields enclosed by dry stone walls, hedgerows, fences and woodlands. This mixed working farm has permanent pasture for grazing livestock and various arable crops. A circular farm trail with information boards explains the workings of the farm and other features of interest.

The farm was donated to Leicestershire County Council in 1970 by the Frear family. Their desire was to preserve its natural beauty as a typical Charnwood Forest farm. Today, the farm is still managed in traditional ways which help to retain its varied landscapes and fine views over the surrounding countryside.

Between Broombriggs Farm and the village of Woodhouse Eaves is Windmill Hill. The site is a mix of mature woods and new woodland areas with waymarked paths as part of the National Forest Way. A platform giving views over the Soar Valley has been made from the stone base of the former post mill that stood from 1863 until it was destroyed by fire in 1945. The windmill is open throughout the summer months on Sundays from 10am to 4pm.


  • Horse riding
  • Information centre
  • Local bus services
  • Refreshments
  • Walking trails
  • Community orchard

Advance visit information

  • Pay and display car parking opposite Beacon Hill Country Park
  •  All-day parking costs £2.50.
  • Bus Routes: Centrebus 54 (Monday-Friday) and Thurmaston Bus 123 (Saturday). 

Discover more

To enhance your visit to the National Forest why not take a look at the unique array of attractions on offer. 

Explore a trail

Why not explore the Forest on one of our circular trails? Each showcasing the variety of landscapes across the National Forest.